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NEWS | 28 February 2023

How to: season start checklist

The warmth is returning, and if you’re anything like us, you can’t wait to lift the covers off of your Brixton, knock the kickstand back, and catch up on all of the riding that you’ve missed out on over those chilly winter months. But before you let loose again, have a look at our season start checklist.

NEWS | 6 December 2021

Rider of the month: Marco

Mijn naam is Marco Maywald, ik ben 26 jaar oud en ik woon in Dresden, Duitsland. Ik ben mechatronica-ingenieur, dus mijn werk is ook mijn hobby, want ik hou van techniek en dingen met de hand repareren.

Rider Of The Month: Marco
NEWS | 12 November 2021

How to - Riding in windy conditions

Let riding your Brixton be a breeze when you’re out in the wind…

When Mother Nature cranks her fan up, and the conditions start to knock the wind out of you, apply these techniques and get yourself safely all the way to point B.

How to: Riding in windy conditions
NEWS | 24 February 2021

Rider of the month: Luca

Maak kennis met de 24-jarige Luca uit Dornbirn, Oostenrijk. Hier legt hij uit wat motorrijden voor hem betekent en wat zijn passie voor fotografie is.

Brixton Rider of the month: Luca
NEWS | 13 October 2020

Winner of the Crossfire 500

On October 2nd, the lucky winner Alfonso received the keys to his brand new Brixton Crossfire 500. After riding it around in Madrid for a few days, he tells us his first impressions.

Winner of the Brixton Crossfire 500 in Backstage Black
NEWS | 8 October 2020

How to: Riding At Night

Whether you’re riding home late from work or you’re a night owl flying around underneath the stars, riding your Brixton when the sun goes down can be a seriously enjoyable experience, but one that isn’t without risks. Here’s our checklist on the precautions that require your attention, and some of our top tips for staying safe.

NEWS | 17 September 2020

Around the world: Asia

Allen had the trip of a lifetime in Vietnam and Cambodia, but how was the ride? Here, he shares how his Brixton rose to the challenge of broken roads, river crossings and even monsoons.

NEWS | 17 September 2020

Around the world: Cambodia

Allen rode for Cambodia after exploring Vietnam. From the back of his Brixton, he fell in love with its stunning architecture, camping out in open fields and befriending outgoing locals on his way.

NEWS | 2 July 2020

Around the world: Vietnam

Brixton Around the World is back. This week, Allen shares what happened when he jumped on his Brixton, sights set on Asia, Vietnam. He didn’t have it all planned out and the unbeaten track was his guide. Read more about his first stop in Vietnam.

NEWS | 27 April 2020

Rider of the month: Alicia

Rider of the month: Alicia

Our rider of the month is Alicia from France. Read more about her decision to buy a Brixton and what she loves most about her bike.

Rider of the Month: Alicia
NEWS | 26 February 2020

Rider of the month: Remy

Rider of the month: Remy

Our rider of the month is Remy from France. Read more about his decision to buy a Brixton and what he loves most about his bike.

Rider of the month: Remy
NEWS | 19 February 2020

How to - Mountain Roads

It’s out with flat-earth, and in with sky-high. Here’s our guide to making molehills out of mountains and riding the high-life on your Brixton motorcycle.

How To: Mountain Roads
NEWS | 18 February 2020

New Bikes 2020

EICMA 2019 is in the books and we are looking back to a successful event. With 7 new Brixton bikes, that we have either presented as prototype or series model, we have gained huge interest in the scene. To give you a better overview of all the models we have presented at the biggest motorcycle exhibition in Europe, here are all the new models at one glance.

NEWS | 23 January 2020

Rider of the month : Patricia

Rider of the month: Patricia

My name is Patricia Hernandez, I’m 25 years old and I’m a radio-electronic engineer. I live in the Canary Islands (Spain), so riding a motorbike has become one of my favourite hobbies, as well as enjoying the nature and landscapes of Tenerife.

Brixton Motorcycles Rider of the Month Patricia
NEWS | 18 December 2019

Rider of the month - Lara

Rider of the month: Lara

I have been driving my Brixton for almost 2 years now and I am very enthusiastic about it. Even after almost 15.000 kilometres I still enjoy riding this bike so much – no matter if riding to work or doing a big tour in summer!

Rider of the month: Lara
NEWS | 14 November 2019

Rider of the month - Memphis

I have been using my Brixton Sk8 to go to work in the heart of Paris for almost two years now.
My Brixton is perfect during the week in the city to make your way through the dense Parisian traffic and to go out with my wife to enjoy superb walks when spring returns.

NEWS | 3 October 2019

Around the World: WheelsOnRoadHoles - Part 13

St. Augustine & Cape Canaveral

From the Keys, we head back North along the East Coast. The US 1 leads us along the vast, empty beaches of the Atlantic, oh so different from crowded Miami Beach. And we comply with a tradition we already started on Papa’s motorcycle: writing down the all the places we’ve crossed on the tank.

NEWS | 27 September 2019

Around the World: WheelsOnRoadHoles - Part 12

Miami & the Keys

We dachten eraan om rechtstreeks naar Texas en over de grens naar Mexico te gaan. Maar als je de kans krijgt, waarom Miami en de Keys laten liggen? In een plotselinge impuls besluiten we om naar het oosten te gaan in plaats van naar het westen. Florida hier komen we!

NEWS | 20 September 2019

Around the World: WheelsOnRoadHoles - Part 11

Halloween in New Orleans

We ride down the Blues Highway, US 61, all the way to Vicksburg. Vicksburg is the first town where we start seeing this architecture typical for the Southern states of the US: two-storey brick buildings with wrought-iron railings along the balconies. Here, the autumn colours we witnessed less than a week ago, are just distant memories.

NEWS | 13 September 2019

Around the World: WheelsOnRoadHoles - Part 10

Nashville & Memphis

Music, music, music… It’s such an important part of everyone’s daily life. And that’s where we’re headed next. Leaving Kansas City was hard, as was taking a decision. But we’ve finally settled on New Orleans. The risk of running back into snow and cold was too high if we would have headed for Cleveland. However, before reaching New Orleans, we have some mandatory musical stops in Tennessee: Nashville and Memphis.

NEWS | 29 August 2019

Around the World: WheelsOnRoadHoles - Part 8


Ons laatste stuk naar Denver is het moeilijkst. Als we Laramie verlaten, worden we geconfronteerd met een muur van wolken en mist. Zo zal het maar even zijn, denk ik bij mezelf. Wat had ik het vreselijk mis! Als we de mist in gaan, daalt de toch al lage temperatuur nog meer. We zetten onze waarschuwingsborden aan, niet in staat om sneller dan 40 km/u te rijden. Bij elke tikkende seconde vrees ik dat een auto ons tegenkomt en ons niet ziet met al die mist.

Brixton Motorcycles - Around the World: Wheels on Road Holes
NEWS | 22 August 2019

Around the World: WheelsOnRoadHoles - Part 7

Idaho & Montana, de Lewis & Clark Highway naar Denver

Mijn filmliefhebber leidt ons zelf de weg naar ons volgende bezoek in Portland. Een bezoek aan de USS Blueback, die een hoofdrol speelde in een van mijn favoriete films: De jacht op Red October. Hoewel dit niet de eerste onderzeeër is die we bezoeken, ben ik wederom verbaasd over het wonder van de technologie die het is.

NEWS | 15 August 2019

Around the World: WheelsOnRoadHoles - Part 6

US 101, Washington en Oregon

De US 101 neemt ons mee langs de westkust, kronkelend in het bos en langs de kustlijn en bespioneert enkele beroemde stranden zoals Ruby Beach. Daarna buigt de weg terug naar het binnenland en verlaat de kust. Voor het eerst sinds Alaska beginnen we de herfstkou te voelen.

NEWS | 6 August 2019

Rider of the month: Gabriele Falcone

Rider of the month: Gabriele Falcone

Hallo iedereen.
Ik ben Gabriele, een Italiaanse grafisch ontwerper. Ik woon in Turijn, de ideale plek om met mijn Brixton door de Piëmontische Alpen te rijden.

Brixton Motorcycles - Rider of the month: Gabriele Falcone
NEWS | 1 August 2019

Around the World: WheelsOnRoadHoles - Part 4

Okanagan Valley

Na onze dagen in de nationale parken rijden we naar het westen richting Vancouver. Maar voordat we daar aankomen, moeten we eerst de Okanagan Valley oversteken. Ik ontdekte de Okanagan Valley een paar zomers geleden toen ik met de familie van Kassi een roadtrip maakte en het veroverde meteen mijn hart.

Brixton Motorcycles - Around the World: Wheels on Road Holes
NEWS | 25 July 2019

Around the World: WheelsOnRoadHoles - Part 3

The Icefields Parkway – Jasper and Banff National Parks

We’ve been a month on the road so far. A month filled with beautiful Alaskan landscapes, new encounters and rain. Lots of rain! Luckily we found some rain gear for me, otherwise the journey through Alaska and along the Alaskan Highway would have turned out very differently.

But I have to admit that I´m happy to be back with my Brixton.

Brixton Motorcycles - Around the World: Wheels on Road Holes
NEWS | 18 July 2019

Around the World: WheelsOnRoadHoles - Part 2

Canada and Jasper National Park

We’re ready to leave Lyon for Paris, where we’ll be taking the plane with our motorcycles to Calgary, Canada. Well kind of ready… The things to fit on the motorcycles are piling up and there hardly seems to be any space for them.

And just like that, I’m off on this incredible, 8-months long journey from North to South America.

NEWS | 10 July 2019

Around the World: WheelsOnRoadHoles - Part 1

Tijdens onze rondritten ontmoeten we interessante mensen uit de hele wereld. Deze keer kruiste onze weg die van een jong Frans meisje, Joanne.

Zij en haar vader hadden het ongelooflijke idee om van Alaska naar Tierra del Fuego te rijden, Joanne op haar Brixton BX 125 X, haar vader op een grotere motor. Tijdens hun reis doorkruisen ze een grote verscheidenheid aan klimaten en landen, zoals de jungle, de woestijnen en de toendra. In veel gebieden kan het rijden soms gevaarlijk zijn. Ze reizen door 17 landen op hun lange reis naar Zuid-Argentinië, ontmoeten veel nieuwe vrienden en ervaren natuurlijk dingen die ze de rest van hun leven niet zullen vergeten.

NEWS | 3 July 2019

Rider of the month: Hey Dominik

Rider of the month: Hey Dominik

Hey, I’m Dominik, 27 years old, YouTuber, Instagrammer, run a marketing and consulting agency and have been using my Brixton BX125 for about a year now.

NEWS | 3 June 2019

Miss Josefine

Rider of the month: Miss Josefine

My greatest passion are two wheels – motorized and not motorized. Since I can think, I have been cycling extensively and somehow cars are not my thing, so motorcycles were probably obvious.

But what I love most about motorcycling is the community, which can’t be compared to any other hobby.

NEWS | 27 May 2019

Brixton meets The Break Fast Club: Kick-st’Art for THE ROKKER RACE 2019

The Break Fast Club is a group of women who have found each other through their shared passion for motorcycling. With our support, they also found their bike, a BX 125 X and started to customize it for the ROKKER Race organized by the Club of Newchurch on 21st and 22nd June 2019. For the Motto 2019 “RIDE YOUR MOVIE”, the Break Fast Club decided to pick up “Breakfast Club at Tiffany’s”.